Бяхме отчаяни за баба, но една сутрин ме посрещна с широка беззъба усмивка.
Ще помня завинаги.
Пак целува и притиска...и говори.
А аз гледам през прозореца, докато похърква.
Или взимам асансьора и се разхождам малко.
Нежна сливка долу.
Granny sitting again. Smiling, talking and eating.
Me - looking out of the window or strolling in the hospital yard.
* <--- a star anise to share with your grandmother in a cup of mint infusion
Since some weeks I like to walk silently among your poetry. Today I stopped a little to make a sound of THANKS. Your sharings are precious to me. I bow
Good! I'm so happy for you and your granny. Beautiful picture of the doves!
your images
are beautiful
and loving
i am happy for you
and your granny
Patrice A.
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